A Long Weekend in St. Augustine

Ahhh, St. Augustine, FL. The oldest city in the USA. The dreamy place that I will be coming back to on all of my beach vacations! Only 9 hours away from Nashville (about 2 longer than the closest beach Panama City), it’s well worth the extra driving time.
I didn’t take photos of everything we did (though I wish I had), but the first photos you see are from the first morning we were there (at sunrise). We drove until late and decided to sleep right next to the beach and wake up with the sun. We only got like (three?) hours of rest but it was good rest, with the sound of the waves lulling us to sleep.
My favorite parts of this trip/most high recommendations:
visiting the lighthouse museum and getting to go up in it (check it out here https://www.staugustinelighthouse.org/),
visiting Anastasia State Park (miles of beautiful untouched beaches! https://www.floridastateparks.org/anastasia),
watching the sunset at this old fort right by the water with sailboats rocking gently nearby,
the cobblestone streets (reminded me of Europe!),
eating at this yummy ice cream place a couple times (get the dairy free ice cream!!! https://www.maydayicecream.com/),
driving around downtown (it is so beautiful!),
and our camping adventure in the jungle/woods outside of the city! See photos below for reference!
Hope you enjoyed this little blog post and it was helpful for you! Now go visit St. Augustine 😉