Sleeping outside at Chuckanut Rock, WA

This was one of those little escapades I will always hold dear to my heart. Not only did I get to do it with my oldest friend (since birth!) but it was a wonderful adventure too!
Zoë and I met the owner/guide right by some railroad tracks and we had to hike in in some pretty thick mud. We were both carrying ginormous backpacks (with all our stuff in it to sleep and eat) and not to mention I was holding my camera and trying to get photos the whole time! At one point my shoe got stuck in the mud and Zoë came to my rescue by putting it back on my foot (she must really love me). I couldn’t help but laugh the whole time because I felt like an imbalanced baby learning to walk trying to navigate through mud and slippery rocks- but thankfully there were no falls!
When we got to the little campsite Tony cut some wood for us and left us alone to enjoy the view. We dug for clams, swam in the water, swung on the tree-swing by the water, cooked some soup for dinner, made a fire, had some wine, and went to sleep under the stars!
We woke up the next morning to light rain falling on the tin roof- it was magical!
If you come to the Bellingham/northern WA/Seattle area, this is a must do! You gotta be prepared for an adventure, but it is so worth it!